Direct Messaging for Epic

Epic systems use a common standard to connect to HISP services. We service Direct addresses that can plug right into your EHR this way, and also offer web-based addresses, and addresses that can be integrated into other custom applications at your organization. We continuously test successfully with all other DirectTrust Network HISPs, to ensure that our customers experience reliable HISP service.

Over 100 certified Health IT products and thousands of health care organizations rely on EMR Direct for our DirectTrust accredited services. We don’t just host Direct Messaging software; we’re also a software company, so our technical team has a rich depth of expertise that’s available to every customer. We offer robust, reliable service, responsive technical support that includes assistance with your product integration when needed, and DirectTrust accredited HISP, CA, and RA services. Addresses in the DirectTrust Governmental Trust Bundle are available through EMR Direct as well—we were the first HISP admitted to this newer Direct network.

Please enter your contact information below to request a consultation from an EMR Direct representative. Our Customer Care team will work with you to get you up and running with Direct messaging in no time, simplifying and managing the onboarding experience so you don’t have to. We look forward to speaking with you!