Register as a Developer

If you would like to integrate the EMR Direct phiMail® or phiQuery™ platforms or phiCert™ certificates into your software, or to obtain a client ID for your FHIR client app, please register for a developer account here using a company email address.

Step 1: Complete registration form
Step 2: Verify Email & set Administrative Password
Step 3 (if applicable): Submit payment, Review & Accept your Digital Certificate
Step 4 (if applicable): Download Documentation & Activate

Questions? See our FAQ. You're also welcome to call or email us.

All fields below are required, except as noted below.

The email address you enter immediately below will be used for account setup and administration purposes. It will be your Username for your administrative account, where you will complete the registration process, and download documentation and/or credentials. This same account can be used to request production credentials when you are ready. If you are requesting sandbox access, digital certificates, or a client ID, you will receive an email message when your test account has been provisioned.

Please enter your preferred contact telephone number below. It will be used only for administrative contact related to this account.

If you are requesting access to the phiMail and phiQuery SDKs, please specify your desired Test Direct Address (e.g.
IMPORTANT: Only de-identified data is permitted when using test credentials. Protected Health Information (PHI) may not be sent or received through the test server sandbox or using test credentials.

By clicking "I Agree" below, you attest that the information you are providing on this page is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge, that you are completing this form for yourself because you wish to participate in the EMR Direct Developer program, that you are affiliated with the Organization you specified above, and you acknowledge that you have read, accept, and agree to our site Terms of Use and our License Agreement.