Interoperability Engine
With powerful integration tools, EMR developers can rapidly enable their products with Direct messaging, IHE query, and HL7® FHIR® for ONC certification, CMS requirements, Promoting Interoperability, and MACRA/MIPS programs.
phiMail® Direct Messaging is designed for the secure exchange of protected health information over the Internet and includes built-in support for Context and Event Notifications via Direct. phiMail service is available as a standalone Web product with 1-click XDM Zip Viewer, or via XDR, SMTP, or the integration-friendly phiMail API.
The phiQuery™ component of Interoperability Engine
enables HL7® FHIR®,
IHE query and OAuth APIs. Deployment options include an integration API to easily enable FHIR,
"CCDA-to-FHIR" translation services, or OAuth as a Service on its own.
Works with SMART, UDAP, and the Argonaut Data Query Implementation Guide;
DSTU2, STU3, and R4 versions of FHIR are supported.
phiQuery is ready for partners to use in ONC certification testing. Interop Engine 2021 was designed to meet g.7, g.9. and g.10 standardized API for patient and population services requirements and includes FHIR R4 services, bulk data access and extensive app developer support.
Register for a complimentary developer account
including a test FHIR endpoint and Direct address, certification testing documentation, and unlimited email-based technical support.
Third party client app developers, visit
HealthToGo App Studio
for public FHIR documentation, registration information and other resources.
phiMail Web
phiMail Web users experience secure, remote access to phiMail messaging from their PCs, smartphones, tablets, and other devices using a web browser. EHR integration not required. XDM viewer included. Get phiMail Web
HISP Services
EMR Direct's phiMail HISP Services are fully DirectTrust and EHNAC accredited. Our HISP services are integrated into over 150 EHR systems, including Epic and MEDITECH.
Our HISP software is also ONC HIT
certified for Direct Transport under the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT.
Create a Direct Messaging Account
CA and RA Services
We issue digital certificates to
qualified organizations and individuals through our phiCert™ Certification Authority,
for use with our HISP and FHIR services, or for other HISP, Carequality, eHealth Exchange or Unified Data Access Profiles (UDAP) workflows
including Dynamic Registration, Tiered OAuth, and others. Our Registration Authority's identity verification services include in person and remote LoA-3 and IAL2 options.
Our CA and RA services are fully accredited by EHNAC and DirectTrust.
phiMail Directory
Direct address lookup is available for our HISP customers to find providers on our network of more than 2.8 million Direct addresses.

HealthToGo® Services
HealthToGo healthcare information services include a FHIR client application, APIs and other resources available to third party consumers of Interoperability Engine FHIR and/or OpenID and OAuth services operated by customers of EMR Direct. Data from healthcare providers or other compatible data sources can be accessed by authorized users of HealthToGo or of third party applications developed for HealthToGo APIs. Documentation, an App Gallery and other developer resources are available at HealthToGo App Studio.
Learn More
To find out more about EMR Direct's products & services,
see the EMR Direct brochure,
and our white papers on
scaling health information exchange with Unified Data Access Profiles
consumer mediated exchange.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Direct Messaging Overview
Trust Anchors
About X.509 Digital Certificates
Certified Partners